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In this work of writing about rocks, plants and things that make up the physical world, the inner poet lifts the latch and escapes into clear daylight, solid ground and rolling seas. Soon stereo enhances your song and you find the audience is yourself. Astounded.
Patricia Johnson
We are living in an age in which unprecedented loss of biodiversity, habitat destruction and global climate change are a compelling threat to the values of the wondrous planet that we call home. It is ever more urgent that writers, artists and thinkers find ways of engaging and connecting with life other than human. With increasingly technologically dominated lives how do we form a relationship with with the plants and animals and the soils that support us all. In Writing into the Life of Things, Horst Kornberger takes us right to the source of nature language to commune with the very beings and attributes that the earth is made of. Horst encourages us to explore the intimate detail of rocks, minerals, plants and flowers, to imagine what the amethyst might say, or what language the marri, tuart or banksia might speak. Writing into the Life of Things is about observing and listening to the earth's dialects and learning to express the relationship that develops between the writer and nature.
Nandi Chinna, poet, writer and activist
Expect the unexpected...You will find yourself in a challenging, yet utterly fascinating and multifarious poetic adventure that you can simply NOT imagine and you will emerge from it with a different view on our world. Being guided by Horst you will grow to find paths into a world that is mostly silent unless poets like us take the time to listen and tune in. WE GIVE A VOICE TO NATURE, to plants and rocks, to creation and miracles where no voices can be otherwise heard...
An incredible amount of inner wealth has been created for me while writing in the World Work project and access was granted to our inner arches of intuition. If you are up for an inner journey of creative splendour you will love this!
Brigita Frenencak
I am a writer with a passionate commitment to the natural world. Over the decades of my writing career I have engaged with many communities and types of knowledge – from science to activism. Each kind of wisdom has given me a gift, and continues to inform my work. However, I can honestly say that the year I spent working with Horst Kornberger on deepening my connection to the natural world has been one of the most powerful experiences of my life. Horst's skill as a facilitator of writing engagement with the world is unparalleled. His skill, ethics, imagination and courage mean that each workshop with him was an extraordinary adventure going further and deeper than any individual could have dreamed was possible at the outset. I especially liked Horst's capacity to create a safe working space, where the ego demons that often plague writers simply did not enter. It did not matter who was published and who was not. It did not matter whether you had spent a lifetime writing, or were only just daring to pick up your pen for the first time. There was magic in this work – the synergies that emerged within the group, the massive increase in our capacity to empathically and intuitively connect with the innate wisdom of the natural world was truly beautiful. I would turn up to the workshops dry and exhausted by the stresses of ordinary living – only to leave three hours later transformed and energised and profoundly re-connected to the world. It has also provided a fertile seedbed of imaginings and writings to keep my going for a long time to come. To do this kind of work in a retreat environment would be a priceless gift.
Dr Liana Joy Christensen, former editor of Landscope Magazine and author of Deadly Beautiful – vanishing killers of the animal kingdom, Unnatural History and Wild Familiars..
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